Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Costa Blanca Holidays and some things you should know about hiring a car

Most of the fundamental rules from the roads in Spain are much like most of the other European countries and when your here on your COSTA BLANCA HOLIDAYS it’s possible to get into trouble with the local legal forces especially if you don't follow them. Spain imposes severe penalties on individuals not sticking to those rules. Information is available online from the Spanish Traffic Department in Spanish and English. On 25 May 2010, a Road Safety Reform (Reforma Ley de Trafico) arrived presenting three groups of offences leading to fines: minor, serious and incredibly serious offences. As many as six points can be taken off your licence: with Spanish licences drivers are given points when they first pass their test as they break the laws so they lose points unlike the English system where you are given points for offences. with respect to the offence.

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